Mar 16, 2020

Ornstein-Schuler Provides Resources to the CDC to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic

With America facing one of its greatest and most serious challenges in modern times amid the growing COVID-19 pandemic, Atlanta-based Ornstein-Schuler Investments (OSI) announced today that it is donating $10,000 to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Foundation’s Emergency Response Fund.  OSI’s donated funds were generously matched by the manufacturers of Lysol to provide a total of $20,000 to help bolster the CDC’s response capability to the dangerous health threat of COVID-19.

The CDC Foundation recently announced the launch of a national crowdfunding campaign aimed at bolstering public health response efforts to address the pandemic, which now has cases in more than 40 U.S. states and in more than 115 countries. 

“The entire OSI team stands with our Atlanta neighbors at the CDC, and health care workers across the country, who are on the front lines working as hard as possible to help protect their fellow Americans,” Ornstein-Schuler President Frank Schuler said today.  “Testing and care are going to be critical to preventing the further spread of this virus and the CDC is front and center in this critical fight.  We are proud to do our part to help support their efforts and encourage all of our fellow Americans to take responsibility for being part of the solution by working to help protect and manage this serious health and economic threat.” 

“This crowdfunding campaign provides an incredible opportunity for individuals, philanthropies and corporations to take part in the response to the expanding coronavirus pandemic,” Judy Monroe, MD, president and chief executive officer of the CDC Foundation said earlier this week. “When we bring our resources together, we can make a tremendous impact and coordinate our efforts to tackle this dangerous public health threat.”

She noted that funds raised in the campaign will be used to:

  • Help communities prevent, detect and respond to COVID-19;
  • Deploy emergency staffing with the skills required to meet the needs on the front lines at the state and local level;
  • Fund and deliver critical home essentials, such as food and medical needs to quarantined and isolated individuals;
  • Develop education and awareness campaigns to advance prevention and reduce stigma;
  • Build capacity and infrastructure for global response efforts and other immediate needs as they evolve.

To learn more and support the CDC Foundation, please click here.
